Monday, April 29, 2013

9 Month Check Up!

Today was Iain's 9 month Wellness Visit.

The Dr. is really happy with his improvements in development.  He's sitting up on his own (almost getting into the sitting position on his own) and doing "Baby Yoga" as his Dr. put it.  He's very busy, active and like to support himself on one leg and two arms! :)

The only concern was his weight.  He weighed 17 lbs. 6 oz. which is in the 6%.  I've read that heart baby's can be underweight, so it's something I've been noticing lately.  So, the plan to to up his solids (because he has never been able to eat more than 6 oz. of formula at a time) and see what happens in the next 3 months.  Typically, around 1 years old is when Drs. see a decline in weight gain.  So, we'll need to watch, as he'll likely lose weight as we taper off formula and he starts walking.

He is a good eater, so we'll try to pack on some pounds.

He is long (as people often comment on!) at almost 29" he is in the 66% and he's got the big head (found in both Teaman and Clark families!)  at 19.02" he's in the 99%.

He is saying MAMAMAMA and DADADADA , but does not realize he's saying Mama and Dada. :)

He keeps us busy, is till a big smiler and loves people!

Here's a few pics from last week.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

6 Month Open Heart Surgery Anniversary

Today marks 6 months since Iain had his Open Heart Surgery.

That day was one of the scariest days, I've encountered.  I truly had to put my faith in God and in the Health Professionals that God gave us.  There is and will always be a special place in my heart for the Drs. and Nurses that cared for Iain at Hershey Med.

Here's a few pictures from our days in the hospital.

 The first two days.  Dr. Myers and Iain smiling on Day two of recovery!

 We had so many friends and family supporting us.  Not JUST during surgery, but throughout the whole week!  We are so thankful for them all!  Each of you were such a huge support to Tim and I.  Rachel Lynn, we couldn't have done this without you taking the girls all week.  We were so glad to be able to stay with Iain the entire time he was in the hospital, not worrying for a moment about the well-being of our girls.  Thanks for loving them so well!   

 Here is Iain during the days of recovery.

More recovery days and a picture with our favorite nurse.  Lauren had Iain for 3, 12 hour shifts.  She took such sweet, loving care of him.  I am forever grateful!

Iain is doing so well now.  He's growing, developing and turning into a little character.  He's moving rather quickly these days, loves to eat solids and table foods.  Loves being outside and staring down our cat as she walks around the house.  He's a sweet, happy little man and we are so thankful for all God has already done in his life!

We continue to see his cardiologist.  Right now, he's looking good.  He still has some Stenosis in his pulmonary valve.  He will continue to be monitored for any changes.

Thank you all for your love and support these last 8 months!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Coming up on 6 Months Post Op

First of all, Sorry for the lack of posting!  I know some of you have been curious about Iain's health these last 6 months.

On Wednesday April 17th, we will celebrate 6 months since Iain's Open Heart Surgery!!

Iain is doing SO WELL!!  He is now 8 months old.  He is growing and developing.  His personality is bubbly, friendly and outgoing.  He loves people, he loves smiling and he's a bit of a flirt!  He is doing the "army crawl" and moves rather quickly!  He sits up, but does not get himself into a sitting position   He laughs, giggles and "talks".  He's eating solids and moving onto table foods now.

He loves playing with his sisters, more than anything else.

He had an appointment the past Monday with his cardiologist, Dr. Consevage.  Things are looking good.  Iain still has some stenosis (blocking blood flow to the lungs) which to my understanding is pretty normal with  Iain's type of ToF repair.

Our Dr. isn't confident that this will be Iain's only surgery, because only time will truly tell.

That being said, while we pray and hope that this was his one and only open heart surgery, Tim and I are somewhat prepared for the idea of future surgeries.  But, that possibility is years away.

Iain has a 9 month check up at the end of this month, so we can see where he is at for weight and height.  Since his activity started, he's thinned out some.  We need to make sure he's a healthy weight, as it's normal for heart babies to be underweight.  BUT, I don't think we have anything to worry about there.  HE IS AN EATER!  He loves solids.  More than Nora or Elise ever did!  He would eat and eat and eat, until he gets sick!!!

We continue to be thankful for all Hershey Med and Moffit has done for Iain.  There is and will always be a special place in our hearts for both.  We hope to get involved in the local heart groups here, in the coming year.

Thanks for all your prayers, support and love for Iain!

Here is a video from early March.  Iain is just starting to rock on all fours.