Friday, October 19, 2012

Pray for sleep - UPDATE

Now that we are in a shared room, Iain hasn't slept in over 6 hours.  Our neighbors were quite loud for about 4 hours.
So, now Iain is fighting sleep as most newborns do when they are overly tired.
Pray he can get a few hours of sleep this afternoon.

UPDATE:  Iain hasn't' slept in almost 12 hours now.  So, we've decided to give Iain Fentanyl with his next Tylenol dosage.  After an hour of fighting even that, he finally fell asleep.

Our room neighbor is very sick and he and his family are VERY loud.  It's been really hard for Iain to STAY asleep.

He's finally asleep now for about 45 minutes.  He's stirring a bit, so, I'm sitting here, just hoping he stays asleep for a few hours.

Please pray that he sleeps, so that he can heal and doesn't waste so much energy burning calories.

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